is inevitable

The idea of remigration spreads around the world.
But what does the term mean?

What does
Remigration mean?

And who am I to tell you?

Many became familiar with the term since it was used by Donald Trump. Election campaigns are won with it. It trends from Lisbon to London and Berlin to Vienna.
“Remigration” causes left-wingers to gasp for breath and gives millions of patriots hope.

“A Bloomberg analysis of 3.1 million social media posts shows that the use of the term “remigration” has exploded in the last eight months."

The mainstream media are trying to demonize the term and banish it from the discourse. In the next 10 minutes, I will explain to you what remigration means. What gives me the right to do this?
My name is Martin Sellner, I am a patriotic activist, from Austria and I use the term since 2016. I wrote the book “Remigration a Proposal”, which became an Amazon bestseller.

"Remigration is the umbrella term for all juridical & economic & cultural measures that turn the tide of Migration, stop and undo the great replacement & thus preserve the ethnocultural identity of a Nation."

The German state is so afraid of this idea that it banned me from entering the country. After I successfully fought this ban, police officers began to break up my book-readings.

"The Bloomberg analysis identifies Sellner as the most effective influencer spreading the term during that period.”

The reason for their fear is that my “proposal” on remigration is serious, measured and reasonable, while their policies are extremist, irrational and a dead end.

Scroll on and find out what gives hope to millions of Europeans, and sleepless nights to the globalists.

To understand why we need Remigration, you need to understand:

The Great Replacement

Europeans and whites are being replaced in their homelands - everywhere.

Replacement Migration is praised by the UN as a "solution to ageing populations". This dangerous policy was adopted by almost all western countries.

Chain migration & higher birthrates lead to huge foreign parallel societies in our countries. Many cities have already flipped.

Population replacement destroys the national culture & identity. The ethnic vote undermines our democracy. Time is running out.

The great replacement is not an organic development or fate. The people were never asked. Replacement migration was forced on us with censorship & propaganda.

This is Brussels today. As a native European, YOU are now the foreigner in your own city. This happened incredibly fast.

This was Brussels four decades ago. This should be the normality and it will be the future!
Remigration will make our cities European again.

How does it work?

Remigration is the necessary and overdue reaction to decades of replacement migration and the great replacement. It is intended to restore harmony, stability and trust in our society.

Remigration divides migrants into 3 target groups and proceeds in 3 phases.

3 Target groups of Remigration

Group A: Illegals

So called "Asylum Seekers" (mostly economic migrants), who entered the country illegally and migrants without a residence permit.

Remigration means they have to go home.

Group B: Non Citizens

Migrants who entered the country legally and have a residence/ work permit, but are an economical, criminal or cultural burden.

Remigration means stopping the mass handout of citizenships, and ending their resindce permits.

Group C: Non Assimilated

Migrants who obtained a Citizenship, are part of foreign parallel societies and identify with a different national identity

Remigration means creating cultural and economic pressure and incentives for voluntary return.

How many &
How fast?

Remigration does not happen overnight. It is a long-term process that involves many measures. It consists of 3 phases that are tailored to each target group. I will briefly summarize them here. (They are described in detail in my book.)

3 phases of Remigration

Phase A: immediate

-Complete Reform of the asylum-system.
-Full stop of non-European, afro-arab immigration.
- Repatriation of all economic migrants/illegals.

Phase B: short term

- Complete reform of the migration-system and the citizenship-process.
-removal of imported criminals & stop ethnic money transfer.
-massive reduction of the problematic foreign population.

Phase C: long term

-Deal with the burden of unchecked mass-handout of citizenships of the past decades.
-Invert Push & Pull factors and create conditions for voluntary return.
-Slow down, stop & revert the growth of parallel societies.

Tools for Phase A

- secure the border, legalize pushbacks.
-stop accepting any new asylum requests from economic migrants.
- create an ultimatum with small incentives for voluntary return.
-deport all illegals to their country of origin
- create charter-cities and special economic zones abroad, where illegals & stateless can live until they return voluntarily.
- apply economic & political pressure to countries of origin to take them back (cut humanitarian aid)

Tools for Phase B
- implement migration-quotas, styled after the US Immigration act of 1924.
- the granting of citizenship must be made difficult and tied to full assimilation and economic contribution (examples: Bahrain & Qatar)
- all resident permits are meticulously checked and revoked if the person is a cultural or economic burden.
- if revocation is not possible, the permit is not renewed.
- unwanted migrants, who lose their permit, become Part of Group B.

Tools for Phase C
- stop any funding of anti-white/patriotic propaganda, individuals & institutions, while promoting and supporting patriotic incentives.
- exert economic and cultural pressure on parallel societies, (example: danish "Ghetto laws")
- cut welfare that goes to primarily to parallel societies
-de-Islamization: ban minarettes, prayer calls, burqas, veils in public service islamic slaughter, foreign arab finance, friday sermons in foreign languages, etc.
-establish "remigration centers" in every problematic neighborhood, which help & consult Migrants in their remigration-journey.
- create financial incentives for voluntary return and change of citizenship.


1. The asylum crisis is solved within 5 years. Our borders are secure, most of the illegals immigrants have returned to their countries.

2.Within 10 years, our cities are safe & european again, social spending on foreigners has stopped.

3.Within 30 years, the wounds of multiculturalism heal and our countries become a home for our people again.

This is not a dream. Remigration has happened and will happen again!

Just like Immigration, Remigration has
always been part of human history.
There are no legal and logistical issues.

In 1954 the USA repatriated 1.104.541
illegals in just one year.

We can make it happen again!

What is stopping us?

Targeted misinformation and demonization have created a false consensus

Therefore, remigration is missunderstood as impossible and immoral. People who advocate it are branded as extremists. No political party dares to make remigration a part of its platform.

This metapolitical obstacle prevents a political realization of immigration.

How do we win?

We need to create a new consensus with activism & education.

We need to organize and win the information war. We can show that remigration is realistic and possible, as it has happened before. We have to lead by example and show that we are no extremists.

Remigration is a process for the benefit of all and the human, and reasonable solution


In the 1980s the indigenous people of Fiji almost became a minority in their own country. The descendants of Indian migrants made up more than 50% of the population, dominating farming, political parties and the public sector.

The indian migrants were hard working and had been living on the Fijis for almost 100 years. But they did not assimilate.

The locals were able to turn the tide at the last second. A policy of remigration led to a turnaround. By the 2020s, the proportion of Indians had fallen below 30% again. In the long term, Fijians will once again become and remain the dominant group in their own country.

Let's follow their example and
make Remigration a reality!


This is how you can support me in my mission for Remigration:
1. Spread this page & follow me on X
2. Educate yourself on the matter and become an "embassador" for Remigration.
3. Join a patriotic organization and dedicate at least 5% of your time to activism to triple your impact.

My Hompage & Contact:

FAQ & ReSum25

More Questions? Soon I will publish a Remigration-FAQ on my Substack.

In May 2025, we will organize the first European Remigration Summit to coordinate and unite our efforts to save Europe and european culture.


Noticed a mistake? Or do you have a better Idea? I would love to hear your feedback to make my message about Remigration more effective: